Ottery Arsenic Mine Remediation

The former Ottery arsenic and tin mine northeast of Emmaville was worked from 1882 to 1957, making it a site brimming with significant conservation and heritage value. Unfortunately though, historic mining practices also meant the site was a source of contamination from arsenic and other metals, as well as acid and metalliferous drainage.

Our specialist team of staff and contractors worked closely with client Mining, Exploration and Geoscience to remediate the site and make it safer for the public and environment. The project was not without its challenges, including a myriad of underground shafts, significant heritage items, threatened fauna, no onsite services, minimal phone reception, fragile subsoil, one of the wettest winters in recent history... and that's before we even get to the highly contaminated mine wastes!

The success of this project is really measured by what we've left behind. The team excavated and stabilised major bodies of highly contaminated waste rock dumps and tailings. Now they're all taken out of the drainage lines and are contained in a 27,000m3 stable encapsulation cell. The final touches were to revegetate the affected areas and help rebuild the environment.

Shoutout to the team and our supporting contractors and project partners, including Mining, Exploration and Geoscience - Legacy Mines, GHD, Earth Systems and R&B Contracting.